We are a group of volunteers who meet on the third Tuesday of every month to:
Find out what's happening in the town
Discuss local issues
Be a voice for our local area
What do we discuss?
We have a standing agenda and additional items are added as required.
The meetings are open to residents of the local community.
If you would like any specific topics added to the agenda please email [email protected].
Attending the meetings are an ideal opportunity to find out what’s happening in the town, to discuss local issues and make your own opinions known to the local authorities who attend the meetings.
Are we part of Midlothian Council?
No. Although the word 'council' is in our title we are independent from Midlothian Council.
Local Councillors from Midlothian do attend the meetings and this is an excellent opportunity for them to listen to local residents concerns and to provide explanations to residents on a variety of topics.
Where and when do you meet?
The meetings take place on the third Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm in Birkenside Pavilion (NOTE: Currently we are meeting virtually using Zoom).
You are very welcome to attend and we are currently looking for new community representatives of all ages.
Why not come along and become a voice for your community?
To find out more about Community Councils click here..
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